WhatsApp announces tons of news. What will be added to the application soon?

WhatsApp announces tons of news.  What will be added to the application soon?

WhatsApp has been working on many new features recently, and while not all of them will be introduced now (some may not reach users at all), it has already been informed about some upcoming news.

What’s new in WhatsApp?

In a recent blog post, WhatsApp outlined some upcoming features that will soon add to the popular Messenger. The first and probably the biggest one in years is Communities. they will include a set of separate groups in which organizations such as schools, universities, non-profit organizations and local clubs will be able to bring together their members and share information or tasks more easily.

Users can receive updates sent out to the entire community and easily organize smaller discussion groups about what is important to them

– the company wrote in a blog post.

Of course, administrators of such communities will get a handful of new tools to control groups and their members, and will also be able to send messages to all members of their community. If you’re concerned about privacy, WhatsApp makes sure your chats will continue to be encrypted with end-to-end encryption. The implementation date for this feature has not been determined yet, but it should be soon.

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Another of the novelties will also be implemented soon and concerns the reaction to messages with the use of emoticons. We’ve heard about this for a long time, so it’s not surprising. If you follow the news of WhatsApp’s news on an ongoing basis, you will also not be surprised by the news of the increased data sharing limit to 2 GB, or the possibility of making voice calls with one click with up to 32 people. In addition, there will be a new feature for administrators, which allows you to remove erroneous messages from chats for everyone.