Adjacent Areas Attract More Investment Than Cryptocurrencies

Adjacent Areas Attract More Investment Than Cryptocurrencies

Outlier Ventures has published the results of a study according to which in 2019, the flow of investment shifted from the development of cryptocurrencies to related areas.

A report entitled “Investments in Blockchain 2019” shows trends in investments in blockchain companies. It is reported that since 2013, such companies have attracted more than $ 23.7 billion. Early investments in bitcoin and ether proved to be especially good.

According to analysts, in 2019, the priority for investments shifted from investments in cryptocurrencies to related areas. The area of ​​artificial intelligence attracts the most funding – 33.8% of the funds were invested in it.

It is also reported that initial rounds of financing raise up to 30 times more money than pre-sales, and Series A rounds of financing can raise another 10 times more.

“Interestingly, the subsequent rounds of financing are often prepared much worse. The number of closed blockchain companies is also large due to regulatory prohibitions and the lack of information provided to investors who invested after the series B rounds, ”the researchers note.

America leads by a large margin in the amount of funds raised – the amount of funding in the United States exceeds the total amount of fees in the UK, China and Singapore. Among cities, San Francisco occupies a leading position. Also, initial rounds of funding are often held in London.

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Note that, as a recent SSRS study showed, 4% of Americans chose Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as the best investment option for the long term