Sberbank predicted an increase in the number of fraudulent attacks on Russians

MOSCOW, 25 Oct – PRIME. The number of attacks by phone scammers on clients of Russian banks has reached the level before the special military operation and will only increase further, according to a study by Sberbank published on the Kibrariy cybersecurity portal.

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“According to our assessment, despite the ongoing special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, the number of attacks on bank customers has reached a level up to the SVO and, according to our estimates, will only increase,” the report says.

First of all, this is due to the high level of involvement in criminal activities of tens of thousands of people on the territory of Ukraine: employees of call centers, organized criminal communities, representatives of law enforcement agencies who supervise them, drops and others, Sber explains.

“Secondly, against the backdrop of total poverty of the Ukrainian population and the growing Russophobic mood, an increase in the number of people who want to compete for billions of stolen funds from citizens of the Russian Federation is expected,” the authors of the study indicate.

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The situation is also aggravated by the actual merging of the state and criminal communities that organize the activities of such call centers, Sberbank added.

“A certain part of the earnings, as in legal business, goes to the owners (and “patrons”), and after the start of the NWO, the scammers no longer hide that part of the funds goes to the maintenance of the nationalist battalions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the materials say.


“According to Sberbank’s estimates, without a systematic solution to the problem of telephone fraud, the most likely scenarios for further developments will be: A multiple increase in the number of call centers in Ukraine (mainly in its western part) in the next 2 years,” the report says.

This will be due to the difficult economic situation, in which the options for obtaining a decent income will be significantly limited, the bank explained. In addition, the bank is afraid of the expansion of fraudulent schemes used – attacks on legal entities, incitement to terrorism, including arson, and so on – and, as a result, an increase in the number of victims.

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“Call centers will not stop at just phone fraud: organized criminal communities have teams that specialize in both phishing, fraud on marketplaces and ad services, and threats to the families of Russian military personnel,” the authors of the study explained.

Also, if you do not systematically approach the solution of this problem, then in the future there will be a migration of organized criminal communities specializing in this type of fraud, as well as attacks on citizens of other countries. Increasingly, call center owners are looking for employees who are native speakers of European languages, Sber explained.

And, finally, the bank is afraid of the formation of powerful international crime syndicates based on existing communities, which will not only maintain call centers, but also significantly expand the scope of their activities – from telephone fraud to drug trafficking and weapons.

“To successfully solve current problems, it is necessary to create obstacles for the use of banking infrastructure by fraudsters, put things in order in the field of regulation of SIP telephony, respond harshly to violations of the Federal Law in the field of communications, review approaches to investigating cybercrime, organize a constant dialogue between executive authorities, the banking community and telecom operators,” Sberbank concluded.