Rostelecom disclosed the amount of expected revenue from forward contracts

SOCHI, 25 Oct – PRIME. Rostelecom sees the potential for growth in revenue from through projects and forward contracts by 2030 in the amount of up to 20 billion rubles, Alexei Sapunov, senior vice president for technical infrastructure of this company, said during the Spektr forum.

Rostelecom received a contract to provide resources to Gosoblak

He recalled that, in particular, at the end of August, Rostelecom signed an agreement with the domestic developer and manufacturer of telecommunications equipment T8 on the supply of equipment, software and licenses for the operator’s networks.

“Only through our through projects, including these forward contracts, we see the potential of about 20 billion in revenue by 2030,” Sapunov said.

“We see that there is quite a lot of interest among our colleagues from the CIS and great potential in Latin America,” Sapunov added.

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He also noted the importance of expanding markets – this is “a moment of ambition for all of our manufacturers, which allowed us to scale the business and develop our products both jointly and our own.”