Adoption of the bill On digital financial assets can be postponed to the autumn session

Adoption of the bill On digital financial assets can be postponed to the autumn session

According to the statement of the head of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets, Anatoly Aksakov, the adoption of the draft law “On digital financial assets” may be postponed to the autumn session.

Previously it was assumed that the bill would pass the State Duma by the end of July, but so far the interested parties could not reach a common position on the fate of the currency in Russia. Aksakov also noted that the crowdfunding bill has been almost agreed.

“Most likely, the draft law“ On digital financial assets ”will be postponed until autumn, as there is some uncertainty there. As for the Crowd Funding Law, it concerns not only digital assets, and now it is almost agreed upon and therefore it may be held in the spring session, ”Aksakov said.

“The most important question that the Law on digital financial assets should answer is whether we will prohibit cryptocurrency as an exchange tool in Russian legislation. And in this matter we have not yet come to an agreed position. First, it is necessary to prescribe in the legislation what a cryptocurrency is. But further it is necessary to decide: we prohibit in Russia to organize the infrastructure for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies, or allow it. But even if we still decide to ban cryptocurrency exchanges in Russia, Russians will be able to buy cryptocurrency through foreign sites, ”said Aksakov.

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Recall that earlier, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev on the sidelines of the HSE conference “Formation and Development of the Russian National Currency” stated that settlements in cryptocurrency in Russia would be banned.