Alien Power Loader. See it wreaking havoc

Alien Power Loader.  See it wreaking havoc

Power Loader is a work known from the Borderlands series or much more from the movie Aliens (take it easy, there will be no spoilers). This unique piece of steel resembles a huge robot controlled remotely or directly from the cabin and has just got its real version, thanks to Hacksmith Industries.

A special alien egoskeleton has been created. How is the Power Loader doing?

This YouTube channel, known for similar projects, already has Captain America’s shield, Batman’s hook shooter or even lightsabers. Today, the gadgets they created have been joined by the one-of-a-kind Power Loader, which has not only been shown, but also the stories of how the designers managed to do it and what engineering and science are behind their work.

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The project took three years to complete, and finally a 67.1 HP diesel engine was used instead of an electric or hydrogen drive. It is responsible for generating up to 136 liters of hydraulic fluid flow at a pressure of 3000 PSI and moving the whole thing.

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It can move at a maximum speed of 12 km per hour, and the two palm-shaped clamps have 13 degrees of freedom and are able to manipulate loads weighing up to 3265 kg. Playing with the car proves it with a vengeance.