ASIC AntMiner S11 Hashrate – Review| Profitability| Specs

ASIC AntMiner S11 Hashrate - Review| Profitability| Specs

Find out all the vital information with the Antminer S11 regarding its hashrate, profitability, performance and specifications before you buy. The so-called asics mining has become popular relatively recently. This is due to the fact that currently the benefit of mining on video cards – even the most powerful ones – is becoming less and less relevant. But, having an ASIC miner at hand, it is possible at relatively low cost to provide a fairly high mining speed. Indeed, in these devices, everything is “imprisoned” specifically for the extraction of cryptocurrencies. And the indicators in terms of energy consumption are modest enough, you do not have to pay the energy companies the lion’s share of their income.

The relevance of the new model

AntMiner S11

Perhaps everyone knows about Bitmain who is somehow connected with cryptocurrency mining. It has been on the ASIC market for many years and has already managed to gain well-deserved trust from consumers by releasing specialized devices intended for mining.

For quite some time, the Antminer S9 model kept the palm of the championship due to its good payback and reliable operation. However, nothing stands still. The complexity of mining is increasing, users are making more and more demands on devices … And the cryptocurrency community revived when the release of a new model, Antminer S11, was announced.

Currently, the news release has already taken place, so you can conduct a more or less complete review of it.

This device is a logical continuation of the S line of miners of this company, designed for the extraction of SHA-256 currencies. They really expect a lot from her. Indeed, even taking into account the complexity of mining algorithms and lowering the cost of bitcoin, the previous model still has not lost its relevance.

Hardware basis

To begin with, you can talk a bit about exactly what the problems of choosing equipment for mining are connected with, why it’s not enough just to get a powerful model – and for a long time quietly engage in currency mining, without worrying about technical progress.

With the increase in the number of participants in cryptocurrency mining, the complexity of the network also increases, therefore, the difficulties in opening each new block also increase. Traditional mining on video cards is no longer justifying itself. Only users who have industrial farms at their disposal can still count on a steady profit. All the rest have frankly unsweetened. Moreover, the number of farms is constantly growing …

Chinese manufacturers, as usual, quickly responded to the needs of consumers and proposed their own solution to the problem. Namely, the release of specialized equipment, which only deals with cryptocurrency mining. These are exactly what ASIC devices have become. They are uncomplicated in settings, have compact dimensions, small weight. At the same time, they are able to compete with many farms in terms of productivity. The payback of asics is at a very good level, so it is not surprising that these devices have become very popular in the mining environment.

Using these devices, you can mine many types of coins. So universality is another plus in their direction.

Specifications of the model Antminer S11

When choosing a particular ASIC model, you should first pay attention to its parameters such as computing power, cooling efficiency, as well as the level of energy consumption and stability under high loads.

Let’s consider in more detail the ASIC s11 device characteristics and model features.

ModelAntminer s11
(maximum performance)
20.50 TH / s
(power saving mode)
16 / 17.50 TH / s
Watt Power Consumption
Maximum Power Consumption
In Eco Mode
Energy Efficiency
at Maximum Performance
74.5 J / TH
Energy Efficiency
( Eco Mode)
67.5 J / TH
Number of Hash Chips252
Number of hash boards3
Network connectionRJ45 Ethernet10 / 100M
Dimensions238/175 / 278mm
The weight8.1 kg
Noise level76 db

As can be seen from the table taken on the official website of the manufacturer, the sizes, weight and consumption of bitmain antminer S11 almost do not differ from S15 and T15. The operating temperature of the mining machine is 40 C, the hash rate at maximum acceleration can be increased to 20.95 TH / s, and on alternative software, to 23.95 TH / s. Some experts do not recommend experimenting with accelerating ASICs “in the air”, but rather placing devices in containers with immersion liquid.

In this case, S11 is okay with this. As for the technical characteristics of the model, they are as follows (concise version of whats above):

  • The hash rate is 35 TX per second;
  • Power consumption level – 1,400 watts;
  • Operating voltage can range from 11.6 to 13 volts;
  • There are 189 chips based on 10-nm technology;
  • Connection to a network – through Ethernet;
  • Operating temperatures – from 0 to plus 40 degrees Celsius;
  • The mass of the device is 5.5 kg;
  • Dimensions – 301 x 123 x 155 mm.

Many will certainly pay attention to the speed indicator in 35 TX. This is really a serious value, which will allow you to mine coins much faster, therefore, will provide a much greater income in comparison with previous models of the same company. Probably, other manufacturers after the release of S11 will also want to join the hardware “arms race”.

Thanks to the introduction of 10-nanometer chips, it was possible to significantly reduce power consumption at almost twice the speed. And the problem of energy consumption for any miner is quite acute. This parameter greatly affects the payback of equipment.

Appearance of the device, its capabilities and settings

As for the appearance of the novelty, everything is quite traditional here. The model did not start bold experiments and outwardly completely repeats the previous models. A prominent place on the case is a powerful fan, which is able to provide effective cooling of the device. Also on the front of S11 there are indicators of the miner. There is an Ethernet port for connecting to the network, there is a button for automatically scanning the IP address. In a word, if you do not know that this is the newest model, then ASIC is quite easy to confuse with other representatives of miners from this manufacturer.

If there is a desire and opportunities, then this ASIC can be connected to a farm – for this purpose, there are special ribs on the side faces of the device.

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Setup is quite simple, using a specialized web interface that opens in any Internet browser. Moreover, it is worth noting that the possibilities in terms of customization are really vast. The user can literally just a few clicks of the mouse to fine-tune the device’s operating mode.

Moreover, the company has released a special mobile application that allows you to control the status of ASIC’s work, being at any distance from it.

Manufacturers have provided the ability to programmatically determine the frequency of the chips. Thus, you can control the speed if you wish, but you should not abuse this feature, since Bitmain traditionally squeezes everything possible out of its processors. If you overclock them without a clear idea of ​​what is actually happening, you can easily disable the device. Experts recommend overclocking by no more than 10 percent of the nominal capacity. So is there a relatively insignificant increase in risk productivity with expensive equipment? That’s another question …

Moreover, if the AntMiner S11 fails due to overclocking, then the user loses the warranty. The warranty, by the way, is issued for six months, starting from the date of purchase of the device.

It is also useful for the user to know that the warranty expires in the following cases:

  • Independent replacement of any component of the device – even in the event of failure of any part;
  • Moisture in the case;
  • The careless actions of the user himself are both inept equipment settings and his mechanical damage;
  • Power surges.

To ensure power supply, the purchase of a proprietary power supply is recommended. The model for AntMiner S9 is suitable in this case.

The inclusion of the miner is possible only after all its power supplies are connected. After that, it is recommended to leave it in working condition for about an hour – and only after that it will be possible to proceed to verify the performance. This is necessary so that the chips have time to warm up to operating temperatures.

It is worth noting that the performance level of AntMiner S11 will directly depend on how hot it is. The higher the temperature, the lower the performance. In addition, operation at elevated temperatures can lead to a large number of errors during the calculation. Thus, the optimal temperature regime of ambient air can be considered from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius.

Before starting work, it will be necessary to determine which IP address was issued to the device. To do this, you can simply go to the web interface of the router and view a list of all clients. In addition, the manufacturer himself suggests using the proprietary IP Reporter utility. You can resort to the help of third-party applications.

Now you just need to type this address in the address bar of the browser – and enter the login password in a new window.

The interface of the novelty itself is no different from other ASIC models from BITMAIN. It is extremely simple and may even seem to some Spartan laconic. Yes, and configure the equipment is quite simple. If the connection is in order, then right after the launch, the ASIC can start production on the pool from the manufacturer. But, if you want to mine on other pools, you should change the settings.

First you need to register on the desired pool, then create an account for mining, which will be used in the equipment settings in the future.

In order to configure the miner to the pool account, it will be enough just to copy it from the Internet page and paste it into the miner’s web interface, replacing the word “antminer” with the name of your account. At the same time, the name of the worker himself and the password will not need to be changed: the worker on the pool will be created automatically.

You can leave the checkbox next to the option “Stop running when temprerature is over 80” enabled. In this case, the device will suspend mining if the chip temperature exceeds 80 degrees Celsius. After cooling, mining will resume by itself.

There is also the ability to set the parameters of the speed of coolers.

After all the settings have been made, it remains only to save them – and reboot the device. The work of the miner will begin. If this does not happen, you can restart the device again. If the problem persists, this indicates a serious hardware failure – the miner should be returned to the seller under warranty.

To make sure that coin mining is really happening, after a few hours of work, go to the Miner Status tab and look at the statistics of mining. If the actual performance is slightly different from those that were declared by the manufacturer, then you should not be upset. Deviation within five percent is allowed.

Connection and setup, walkthrough

As indicated in the manual for bitmain antminer S11, all devices are pre-tested and configured to provide the most comfortable conditions for the launch of the rig by the user. And yet, carefully inspect the new manner, turn it over several times to check if the cooling radiators have fallen off.

The connection of antminer S11 begins with the server settings. Procedure.

1.Go to:  and download

2.Unpack the application and run as administrator.

3.Select one of the options:

  • Shelf, Step, Position – suitable for a farm of several miners in industrial mining.
  • Default – suitable for home miner.

4.On the controller board, click the IP Report button. Hold until you hear a beep (about 5 seconds). The IP address will be displayed in a window on the computer screen.

Connection and setup, walkthrough
bitmain antminer S11

6. In the browser, enter the IP address provided.

7. Go to the control panel to configure antminer S11, using “root” as the username and password.

8. In the Network section, you can assign a DHCP IP address.

 Network section, you can assign a DHCP IP address

9. Click the “Save and Apply” button.

Now you need to connect antminer S11 to the pool.

Open General Settings.

1. Set the connection parameters

  • Pool URL – in the settings of antminer S11 you can register 3 pools. Server # 1 will be used by default. If the connection with him is lost, the miner will automatically switch to the next pool in the list.
  • Worker — ID on the selected pool.
  • Password — your miner’s password

2. Click Save & Apply and restart the miner.

Apply and restart the miner

To check the operating status of your device, go to Miner Status . The parameters of the miner can be adjusted automatically. Miner stops work if the temperature of the hash board reaches 95 C.

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Information is available on the control panel.

  1. ASIC # – the number of chips in the chain.
  2. Frequency – operating frequency.
  3. GH / S (RT) – hashrate of each of the boards.
  4. Temp (PCB) – board temperature.
  5. Temp (Chip) —heating chips on each board.
  6. ASIC status:
  • Oh – everything is fine
  • X – miner does not work correctly
  • – – the miner is offline, or out of order.

You can connect the antminer S11 to p2pool, this is a very promising Bitcoin mining pool. As for Hive OS, the ASIC bitmain antminer S11 is not included in the list of supported devices and data on usage in the hive, unfortunately, could not be found.And so the pool is started, the miner status is “O”, which means that the antminer S11 configuration is complete.

Overclocking and flashing the device

Overclocking and flashing the device

To check the firmware version, go to the Overview tab. The File System Version column displays the version of the current firmware. If the manufacturer’s website has a new version of firmware for antminer s11, you can proceed with the upgrade.Attention! If during the flashing process the power is cut off, or contact with the server disappears, the miner will have to be sent for repair.

To start the upgrade, log in to Upgrade.

  1. Check the box to save the current settings (default), or clear if you want to change the miner settings.
  2. Click Browse (button in Chinese) and browse to the update file. Select the update file, then click Flash image. A notification message appears if the antminer S11 firmware can be updated and the green indicator flashes.
  3. To install unofficial firmware on the antminer S11 device:
  • write the firmware to the SD card;
  • insert the SD card into the miner slot;
  • select Upload archive, download from removable media;
  • Click Flash image.
After completing the antminer S11 firmware

After completing the antminer S11 firmware, such a message will appear.

You will be asked:

  • Reboot – perform a reboot to start the miner with new software.
  • Go Back – continue working with the current version.

Acceleration of antminer S11 is carried out by increasing the operating frequency. The manufacturer installed protection against overclocking in the standard firmware, with an increase in the frequency, the power of the power supply drops. Alternatively, you can use non-official firmware by downloading it on one of the Internet resources, for example, MSKMINER. But remember, all the manipulations you do at your own peril and risk.Repair antminer S11 in the case of a fiasco with alternative software, you will have to pay from your own pocket. In Moscow, warranty and post-warranty repair antminer S11 and performs other Asik service center BitSouls .

Payback AntMiner S11

Of course, for any miner, the rate of return on investment will come first when choosing equipment. Considering that a new product can be obtained on average today for $ 3,000, it cannot be said that much is asked for a device with such remarkable characteristics.

However, the popularity of bitcoin miners is declining. This is due to both the depreciation of the currency and the complexity of the production process. Many users have long been disappointed in bitcoin and turned their attention to other cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to offer bikoin asik at an overpriced price.

On average, the yield of AntMiner S11 is about 13 US dollars per day. Therefore, a month you can get about $ 400. Thus, the new model will pay off when mining Bitcoin in about 8 months.

Positive and negative qualities of S11

The advantages of S11 are its price and the ability to work in an economical mode. This option will be most optimal in regions with expensive electricity. Used Asik S11, taking into account the recent appearance of this model on the market, is not found on sale as often as s9. Yes, and buying used S11 Asik, like any other model, is not a good idea.

The disadvantage of the S11 miner is noise, in full overclocking it makes a lot louder noise than antminer S9. By and large, ASICs are devices for industrial mining, if you want to purchase the S11 miner noise, it will be the main argument against such a purchase. However, this problem concerns not only this model.

Profitability calculation

antminer S11 profitability per day

The terms for the return of money invested in the purchase of ASIC will help to calculate the mining profitability calculator. First of all, for antminer S11, daily profitability depends on the bitcoin exchange rate and the cost of electricity. Go to the appropriate tab of the WhatToMine calculator, enter the price of one kilowatt in dollar terms and the service will display the antminer S11 profitability per day, at the current BTC rate.

There are not so many reviews of antminer S11. Bitmain cares about the reputation of the brand and produces quality products that can safely serve at least the warranty period declared by the manufacturer. So positive reviews about this model will be available soon. The device is inexpensive and given the high potential of bitcoin, it is worth thinking about purchasing it.

By the way, recently a new optimistic forecast of the Bitcoin rate flashed through the network in just two or three years – $ 400,000. Of course, this is just someone’s assessment of the prospects of cryptocurrency, but, as you know, suddenly these numbers will become reality.

Miner price fluctuations

Some users sometimes wonder how quickly the cost of mining equipment, including ASICs, can change. Not so rare are the cases when in one day the price of devices can fluctuate by thousands of rubles. If you look, then this is not surprising. Indeed, in this area of ​​the market a lot depends on the exchange rate of those currencies for which Asic is offered. If the course grows, the seller can raise the price of equipment. True and vice versa: no one will buy an expensive ASIC intended for mining cheap currency.

In addition, the more miners are sold, strangely enough, their value will only fall over time. Indeed, the more users on the network, the more difficult it is to get a coin, the lower its price. Consequently, the increased demand for mining devices will serve not the traditional price increase, but rather even a decrease.

Is it worth mentioning such a factor as buying a device from a particular seller. As a rule, the most profitable purchases are directly from manufacturers. In this case, there is an opportunity to save around 15 percent. In addition, the purchase of ASIC from the manufacturer will serve as an additional guarantee of high quality.

The release of more powerful miner models is another factor that will influence pricing policy. Of course, AntMiner S11 is currently a model novelty. However, this cannot go on forever. Sooner or later, more powerful models will see the light. And this will inevitably lead to cheaper existing ones.

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However, if you remember that the popularity of AntMiner S9 is still great, you can expect that the same fate will befall S11. So, most likely, you should not expect a quick reduction in the price of this new product even in the case of the release of more productive models.

Those who wish to save money can be advised to pay attention to the secondary market. Of course, used AntMiner S11 models will cost slightly less. However, no one can guarantee that these are not broken devices, or are ready to run out of their resources.

Some sellers offer the so-called restored models – that is, purchased from previous owners in a broken form, but after the repair work has been returned to service. So those who want to save money can also pay attention to such attractive options.

The relevance of asic mining

As expected, the release of new items was accompanied for many by an unpleasant event. With an increase in productivity compared to the previous model, by about a third, the device made it possible to earn faster and more. This has led many miners to purchase large batches of AntMiner S11 at the pre-order stage and combine them into farms. After that, the complexity of mining was expectedly increased, and the profitability of each individual instance, respectively, fell.

In addition, this was accompanied by a decline in the Bitcoin exchange rate. So many users questioned not only the feasibility of acquiring AntMiner S11, but also ASIC mining in general.

Despite this, the demand for mining equipment is still quite high. Given that, as already mentioned, AntMiner S11 will be able to pay off in 8 months, the acquisition can be considered really quite profitable. Another thing, is it worth betting on bitcoin as such in the long run? ..

Bitcoin exchange rate forecast: is it worth betting on it

Today, many miners are not satisfied with the fact that they just sit on their farms and are engaged in mining coins. They take an active part in exchange trading. Moreover, among them a large percentage of professional traders and stock analysts. This fact suggests that not only more and more miners are arriving in the cryptocurrency community, but exchange miners. Does it make sense in this case to engage in amateur mining in general? Indeed, it is very difficult to compete with large players, and AntMiner S11 is expensive enough to invest in a dubious enterprise …

In addition, there is information that some ASIC manufacturers have already launched the launch of chips made using 7-nanometer technology. These next-generation chips promise even more performance with even lower power consumption. Entering these models on the market may lead to the following:

  • On the one hand, the demand for devices of the previous generation will begin to decline due to a decrease in the efficiency of their work;
  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be devastating due to the increasing complexity of coin mining. Already today this problem worries many, and with the buildup of the hardware arms race it even threatens to plunge the cryptocurrency market into crisis;
  • The so-called 51% attack will be triggered – when the one who has obtained more than half of all available coins for himself will manage the network’s capacities, and its other participants will only adapt to it, while receiving practically nothing.

Of course, some types of currencies are preventively protected from 51% attack, but not all. And in this case, even new products such as AntMiner S11 will not be able to correct the situation and mine in sufficient quantities.

In fairness, it is worth noting that these are only hypothetical calculations. As you know, any market is capable of self-regulation. So we can expect that internal mechanisms of influence will be included, which will help prevent a crisis in the cryptocurrency area. According to statistics, more than 5,000 mining devices are purchased in Russia per month. This shows that, in spite of everything, the extraction of virtual coins is still relevant and profitable.

Experts point out that if the Bitcoin exchange rate is $ 8,000, its mining will remain profitable. But if the rate drops below $ 5,000, then this will be a borderline state. This is precisely the border at which the further mining of bitcoins can become an absolutely unprofitable process. After all, one has to take into account not only the exchange rate of a given currency directly, but also indicators such as electricity costs, rental of premises for farms, the cost of ASICs themselves, transportation costs, Internet connection and much more.

At the same time, the cost of bitcoin will have a direct impact not only on the efficiency of mining bitcoin itself, but also on many other currencies that are somehow related to it.

Of course, not a single exchange or a specialist will give a 100% guarantee that bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency will go in one direction or another. As a vivid example of this, the sudden pump of many coins at the beginning of 2018. No one could have predicted this. Fierce debate is still ongoing on the Web over what it was, in fact. Whether the sharp increase in currencies was caused by natural economic reasons, or whether it was a skillfully planned and effectively carried out “special operation”. Most, however, are prone to the second option. But the fact remains: on the cryptocurrency market, anything can happen at any time … Therefore, everyone will decide on the purchase of mining equipment at their own peril and risk.

What conclusions can be drawn

If you try to summarize everything that was said above, at the moment you can recognize the purchase of AntMiner S11 as a fairly profitable investment. Even if in the near future there will be some exchange rate decline in bitcoin. It will be possible to get a plus quickly enough. If the rate of the coin grows, then this period will be reduced.

The new AntMiner S11 model has all the advantages that any miner needs so much. This is simplicity in settings, energy efficiency, and, of course, high hashing speed. If there is a belief that Bitcoin will stay afloat, then the acquisition of this model is welcome.