Austrians are more skeptical of bitcoin than residents of other countries

Austrians are more skeptical of bitcoin than residents of other countries

The Dutch bank ING conducted an online survey and found out that Austrians are more skeptical about bitcoin than residents of other countries.

The survey involved residents of 15 states. The authors of the study note that the skepticism towards bitcoin has intensified not only in Austria, but also in other countries.

Austrians hold conservative views on investing issues and are especially cautious about cryptocurrencies. Only 13% look at the new class of digital assets on the positive side.

Compared with the previous year, the attitude to cryptocurrencies in the country has deteriorated somewhat. In 2018, 20% of Austrians saw the future of the payment industry in this instrument, but now this figure is 17%.

A similar decrease is observed in the issue of investments – if earlier 17% of Austrians considered cryptocurrencies as a tool for investing, now this indicator has decreased to 14%. At the same time, only 5% of respondents said they were ready to receive a salary in cryptocurrency.

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Researchers note that Austrians understand the principle of the functioning of digital assets better than others, but prefer to hold conservative views and shy away from risks and volatility.

Among representatives of other countries, there is also a negative dynamics in terms of attitudes towards cryptocurrencies. The exceptions are Turkey, Poland and Romania, where the share of supporters of digital assets is 62%, 43% and 44%, respectively. In addition, 36% of Turkish respondents are willing to get paid in bitcoin.