Belgian Prime Minister predicted deindustrialization of Europe due to fuel prices

MOSCOW, 6 Oct — PRIME. Europe may face deindustrialization and mass protests due to the deepening energy crisis, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo said.

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“We could be facing a massive de-industrialization of the European continent… and the long-term consequences of that could be really, really deep,” he told the Financial Times.

According to him, this will happen if we do not intervene in the situation on the gas market. Residents of European countries can “lose their temper” if they continue to receive large electricity bills, the politician said.

To resolve the situation, de Croo called for limiting prices for Russian gas and LNG, as well as starting negotiations with alternative suppliers of raw materials. He also proposed launching a “solidarity mechanism” that would ensure gas supplies to those countries that still buy it from Russia in the event of a reduction in imports.

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Western countries have imposed unprecedented sanctions against Russia in connection with a special operation in Ukraine. Some of the restrictions affect, among other things, the energy sector. This led to the aggravation of the energy crisis in Europe, the region was faced with a shortage of fuel and rising prices for it.