Benefits for gas and electricity introduced in Belgium

BRUSSELS, September 16 — PRIME. Belgium has agreed gas and electricity discounts for low- and middle-income residents for November and December, according to Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo’s Twitter account.

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It is specified that “an agreement on an additional energy package for households. The basic volume at a reduced price in November and December: gas discount 135 euros per month, electricity – 61 euros per month.”

Consumers will be provided with a basic volume of gas and electricity at a fixed price. Those who consume more will pay the regular rate for the surplus, according to an article on the website of the Belgian broadcaster RTBF. This will mean a reduction in gas bills of 135 euros and 61 euros for electricity per month in November and December.

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This measure will apply to “low to middle income” residents who have floating or fixed contracts entered into or renewed after October 1, 2021.

Thus, the annual net taxable income of an individual who can receive this benefit should not exceed 62,000 euros. “For reference, the average net taxable income in our country is 37,273 euros,” the note says.

Earlier, Western sanctions pressure on Russia over Ukraine led to an increase in prices for electricity, fuel and food in Europe and the United States. Against this background, Vladimir Putin stated that the policy of containment and weakening of Russia is a long-term strategy of the West, and the sanctions dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy. According to him, the main goal of the West is to worsen the lives of millions of people.