Big holograms within reach of holobricks? Disney scientists are working on this device

Big holograms within reach of holobricks?  Disney scientists are working on this device

The joint effort of scientists from Cambridge and Disney Research has resulted in the so-called holobricks that can provide the world with finally the long-awaited large holograms. These are not only to be effective, but can also be viewed from many angles.

Developed by scientists, holobricks can finally provide the world with realistic holograms

Holobricks, or “holobricks” if you prefer, are modular holographic blocks that theoretically should enable the generation of extensive 3D images, allowing them to be viewed from many angles. Since holograms are three-dimensional virtual images that seem to exist in the real world, trying to generate them with actually real and three-dimensional “cubes” apparently makes a lot of sense.

So also the holobrick consists of a spatial light modulator, a scanner and a coarse-grain integrated optical system. The associated system combines three images of the same object from slightly different angles, which gives a certain sense of depth. The resulting light is then transmitted through a series of lenses which separate the images so that when they appear on a two-dimensional display on the surface of the holobrick, they actually form three different views.

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As they are different depending on the viewing angle, this precisely gives the illusion of three dimensions. The overall quality is ensured by the fact that each holobrick can display images in full color, at a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with a 40-degree field of view and a refresh rate of 24 frames per second, so you can call it “cinema standard”. The bottom line is that you can connect the holobricks with each other so that they display a common graphic, and while the technology is currently in its infancy and requires many years of further development, it can actually provide the world with high-quality holograms in the future.