Binance will change the standard address of USDT from Omni to ERC-20

Binance will change the standard address of USDT from Omni to ERC-20

The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the transition from the deposit addresses of steyblecoin USDT standard Omni to the addresses of ERC-20.

“The reason for this decision was a small number of people who make deposits in the Omni standard. We only follow the demand of customers “, – stated the head of the Changpeng Zhao Exchange on Twitter.

After the transition, the ERC-20 standard addresses will be used by default. At the same time, input of USDT to old Omni-addresses will work, but withdrawal of funds will be available only to the purses of the ERC-20 standard.

Recall that Omni works on the Bitcoin blockchain base, and ERC-20 standard tokens are supported by Ethereum blockchain. Tether recently issued 300 million new USDT tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain.

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