Bitcoin hash approaching 100 Exheshes per second

Bitcoin hash approaching 100 exheshes per second

The hashrate of the first cryptocurrency network continues to grow and can soon reach 100 exams per second.

Today, the Bitcoin hash has made a new leap and reached 94,770,000 Th / s (94.7 Eh / s). Until the next round figure, 100 Eh / s, there is very little left, and while maintaining the growth rate, it can be achieved already this month.

Recall that the hashrate reflects the total computing power involved in processing transactions with bitcoins. The more power, the more protected the network of the first cryptocurrency.

The bitcoin hash decreased markedly in the second half of 2018, at the height of the “bear market”, but already in January the hashrate of the first cryptocurrency network returned to its previous values ​​and continued to grow.

“The bitcoin hash is set to exceed 100 quintillion hashes per second. And this will be a problem for fiat currencies, because data centers that process fiat transactions will simply drag into the black hole the real value of bitcoin, ” wrote cryptocurrency analyst Max Keiser on Twitter.

Along with the growth of hashrate, the complexity of coin mining is also growing. In June, the bitcoin mining difficulty, which changes in accordance with the hash of the network every 2,016 blocks, reached 7 868 124 124 773 (7.87 trillion units). At the next recount, which will happen at the end of this week, it may rise above 11 trillion.