Bitcoin SV Network is Divided into Three Blockchains after Mining a Block of 210 MB in size

Bitcoin SV Network is Divided into Three Blockchains after Mining a Block of 210 MB in size

According to BitMEX Research, on Saturday, Bitcoin SV nodes were divided into three groups, resulting in three separate chains.

According to report, 65% of the nodes were up to date, while 17% were “stuck” on a 210 MB block, and 19% were not even updated during the last hard fork and remained on the old chain.

Recall that on July 24, the Bitcoin SV network successfully held a hard fork as part of a plan to increase the block size from 128 MB to 2 GB. According to Coin Dance, a 210 MB block was mined on August 3 by CoinGeek miner, and it included 808,633 transactions.

According to TrustNodes, Coin Dance service now works in the new Bitcoin SV chain. This means that miners who are stuck on the old chain could lose some of the money. The report says that although the recent branching is the first of its kind, gigabyte-sized blocks can provoke similar network divisions into more than three blockchains.

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In June, information appeared that 98% of transactions in the Bitcoin SV blockchain were created by the weather forecast service. This service was launched in April, and from May to June made 1.23 million operations on the Bitcoin SV blockchain. For comparison, only 1,040 transactions were recorded in the money transfer application.