Bitcoin towards the threshold of 18 million tokens issued

Bitcoin towards the threshold of 18 million tokens issued

While waiting for halving is growing, expected by many in the middle of next year, Bitcoin is preparing to cross the threshold of 18 million tokens issued. An event perhaps less discussed than the halving of the rewards due to miners, but which still has a considerable importance, precisely for the psychological effects that it could generate, with obvious consequences on the market price of the most famous virtual uniform.

Anthony Pompliano’s tweet

To reveal the proximity of the milestone of 18 million tokens issued was a Anthony Pompliano’s tweet, co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital for some time now committed to sponsoring BTC, also pushing for very demanding forecasts in relation to the next explosion of its listing. Pompliano’s declaration is also supported by the website BitcoinBlockHalf, for which 17,997,150 to date would have been the tokens extracted.
The hour ics would have been in this case the day of Friday of the past week and it follows that at this point compared to the original development plan there would be only 3 million to mine. Of course many have traced the words of Pompliano to the fact that precisely these, according to his own statements, would have invested half of his assets in Bitcoin and therefore has the utmost interest in ensuring that the lens of public opinion remains on it, supporting its listing.

What could follow?

The fact that only three million virtual coins remain to be mined naturally makes competition more fierce in order to obtain them. It should be remembered in this regard as at the end of September BTC’s network had a historic record of 102 trillion hashes per second.
In addition to the effects on mining, which is also expected to affect the arrival of the 7-nanometer chips and the decision to Bitmain to accelerate in this sense, the narrowing of the number of coins to be extracted is naturally destined to be felt on the Bitcoin price, adding to some factors of no small importance.
Above all, some of them should be mentioned geopolitical factors which are also being welded together for the benefit of the queen of cryptocurrencies, even going so far as to substantially change their characteristics. If until a few months ago BTC was branded as a mere tool of speculation, currently more and more are those who consider it the possible response to inflationary processes (especially in Venezuela and Argentina). It should also be stressed that over the past few weeks the actual barrage implemented by circles of politics and finance against Libra, has prompted some observers to sponsor the hypothesis that the creation attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto could turn into real counterpart to Facebook’s cryptocurrency. It would be a real law of retaliation, considered as its BTC has long been held up by the same circles as a real public enemy, in consideration of characteristics that made it the preferred instrument for the criminal economy. A real climate change that seems to confirm that, in the end, time is always gentleman.

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