BitPanda Shows that 20% of Cryptocurrency Holders are Women

BitPanda Shows that 20% of Cryptocurrency Holders are Women

The BitPanda exchange conducted a statistical study that shows that in Europe, 20% of cryptocurrency holders are women. The study was conducted in partnership with GlobalWebIndex and has been extended to 17 countries. The statistics included 120,000 users between the ages of 16 and 64.

According to the research document, the objective was to establish what differentiates crypto investors from traditional investors.

One of the key conclusions was that the types of users change, which leads to greater diversification. On the whole, cryptocurrency users are people who are willing to take risks and have a strong desire to control their finances.

One in five crypto holders and investors are women, a figure that is rising from 5% estimated in 2018.

Jason Mander, Chief Research Officer at GlobalWebIndex, commented:

“When it comes to attitudes, there are very few differences between men and women. These are insignificant when it comes to cryptocurrency holders and the general public. “

Significant differences between Europeans and Americans

BitPanda statistics reveal some significant differences between Europeans and Americans. About 40% of crypto investors are over 35, while Americans are mostly millennials.

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At the same time, 20% of cryptocurrency holders are women, as opposed to only 10% in the US.

Most cryptocurrency holders tend to be young, highly educated, high-income men who work in European financial centers in the IT, engineering or finance fields.

The top countries with the most cryptocurrency holders include Switzerland, Romania and Ireland with 14% of the population.

Bitpanda CEO Eric Demuth said:

“We wanted to clarify the profile of the people who model the cryptocurrency industry. I hope this report will help everyone better understand who these people are, what their attitudes are, as well as their lifestyle, finances and investment behaviors. ”