blockchain-based browser patented by technology giant IBM

blockchain-based browser patented by technology giant IBM

A new patent application from IBM describes a blockchain-based web browser. Filed August 6 at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the IBM patent is for a browser supported by a peer-to-peer network.

The browser collects pre-specified information from web browsing sessions, which are then transferred to a peer-to-peer node network for collection and storage. The collection of information depends on the type of experience depending on the navigation chosen. Using a public versus a personal computer would require different settings, for example.

The types of information that can be stored include visited websites, bookmarks, geolocation, plugin installation and security settings.

Blockchain-based browser

IBM claims that a blockchain-based browser “provides a system for storing browsing information so that sensitive data is controlled by the user, not a third party.”

A potential use case that the document includes, among other things, is an attack on the computer’s browser. If secured by blockchain technology, a backup of all user information will thus be available.

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It is interesting to note that the new IBM concept also includes a token that will check the session activities of the user’s browser.

IBM’s blockchain web browser concept is not the only one in the field.

Norwegian Opera launched iOS Opera Touch in June. Created for Web 3.0, Opera Touch has a built-in crypto wallet. Connects seamlessly to Web 3.0 applications, including ERC-20 tokens.