Breez Added BTC Purchase Feature With Lightning Credit Card Support

Breez Added BTC Purchase Feature With Lightning Credit Card Support

Breez payment startup introduced a new feature that allows you to buy Bitcoins with Lightning Network (LN) support directly from your mobile application.

A new feature has appeared thanks to a partnership with the cryptocurrency broker MoonPay and is available to users in 35 countries. According to the company, it simplifies the cumbersome Lightning payment procedure.

Although buying LN-enabled bitcoins with a credit card seems like a simple feature, Breez claims that its implementation was previously impossible. Roy Sheinfeld, CEO and co-founder of the startup, said:

“Breez is not just a wallet. This is a LN-enabled payment service that aims to provide users with the best possible experience. Breez’s goal is to leverage Lightning technology and infrastructure. Other wallets with LN support are less focused on creating a quality user interface. ”

Previously, if users wanted to buy BTC with Lightning support, they needed to buy bitcoin, move it to a wallet that supports LN, and then wait until this transaction is confirmed. Buying directly in the wallet allows you to skip these steps.

The new Breez feature is part of an effort to make Lightning payments less difficult for ordinary people.

“Go to the website and go through a complicated procedure to replenish your wallet with a hundred bucks – this is not the user experience that we want to provide. We strive to provide an interface that, at least, will be as convenient as in the case of fiat payments, ”Scheinfeld said.

Breez does not require users to provide personal information for purchases totaling up to 150 euros per month. But in order to purchase cryptocurrencies for larger amounts, users must confirm their identity in accordance with the KYC rules.

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In June, it was reported that startup Breez released a mobile wallet for the iPhone with Lightning support. In the meantime, the network continues to suffer from security concerns. This week it became known that recently discovered vulnerabilities in LN are already used by attackers.