Buy a property in New York with $ 15 million in bitcoin

Buy a property in New York with $ 15 million in bitcoin

Taiwanese Affluent Silver International LLC has purchased a property in New York for no less than 15.3 million dollars and has paid in bitcoin. The seller is Ben Shaoul.

Shaoul is the founder of Magnum Real Estate Group. This company buys rental properties in the higher segment and turns them into apartments. In this case it is a home in the heart of Manhattan on East 89th Street, number 389.

From bitcoin to dollars

In order to carry out the transaction, both parties used payment solutions from Bitpay and Starr. According to one of the brokers involved, Eric Hedvat, the payment went perfectly.

This is not the first time Magnum has been selling properties for bitcoin. Last year they sold two huge apartments in the same building.

huge apartments in the same building

Bitcoin is more than welcome

Last year, Magnum entered into a contract with two other buyers in the residential apartment building using a bitcoin transfer. The first was a studio of 190 square meters with an asking price of $ 875,000, the other was a house with an area of ​​301 square meters with a price tag of $ 1.48 million.

More and more homes for bitcoin

More and more homes for bitcoin

The American broker magazine TheRealDeal, writes that bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are not normally accepted by sellers. That is because the value of the coins can still fluctuate enormously in value. “In the last 12 months alone, one Bitcoin ranged in value from just over $ 3,000 to over $ 12,000.”

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However, the magazine must also recognize that cryptocurrency is increasingly being used to purchase real estate in New York. Last year, ManageGo, a pawnbroker based in Brooklyn, announced that she would accept cryptocurrency for payment.

Streeteasy, the American Funda for millionaires, has a house for sale for 29 million dollars. The seller says to accept bitcoin, ether and ripple as payment. For that you get a five-story mansion on East 76th Street on the Upper East Side back.

We found another mansion in New York that is for sale for bitcoin. This can be found on 40 Riverside Drive and is sold by Sotheby’s for 13 million dollars.

In the Netherlands, Tim Hanekamp sells his home in Eindhoven for 30 bitcoin.