CNN: US fears change in Europe’s position on Russia due to energy crisis

MOSCOW, 12 Sep — PRIME. The United States fears a change in Europe’s position towards Russia and Ukraine in connection with the energy crisis, CNN reports with reference to American officials.

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“The risk (of a split in Europe) is real… citizens in Europe could rebel against the Western strategy of isolating Russia economically,” the channel said in a statement.

As the sources noted, the priority for US President Joe Biden is to prevent social unrest and political instability in Europe. American officials, CNN notes, closely followed the anti-government rally in Prague in early September and continue to monitor the situation on the continent.

“Europe will be hurt. Let’s see how severe the winter will be,” the source added, stressing that the situation in the region will depend on weather conditions.

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According to an official familiar with Western intelligence data, gas reserves may be sufficient if the winter is warm. But, as the source notes, nothing can be said for sure.