“Cryptocurrencies should be regulated similarly to other electronic transactions”

“Cryptocurrencies should be regulated similarly to other electronic transactions”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (Michael Pompeo) said that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Libra should be regulated similarly to other electronic financial transactions.

Pompeo shared his thoughts in an interview on CNBC on Tuesday. He noted that “the same set of requirements that apply to transactions through SWIFT or other financial institutions should apply to these transactions.”

At the same time, Pompeo hopes that the world will not move in the direction of anonymous cryptocurrency transactions, as this will “reduce security in the world.”

“The risks of anonymous transactions are well known to us all. We know this from the events of September 11 and terrorist acts committed 15 years before, when we did not have a good tracking system. We did not have the opportunity to study cash flows and understand who moved the money. We need to maintain a financial system, a global financial system that will protect us. ”

The issue of cryptocurrency regulation has become increasingly raised by US politicians after Facebook announced plans to launch
cryptocurrencies Libra. The other day it became known that a delegation from the House of Representatives of the US Congress will leave
to Switzerland, where a working group will discuss the prospects for cryptocurrencies, and especially the stablecoin Libra.