Egypt ready to start gas supplies to Lebanon immediately

CAIRO, 17 Oct – PRIME. Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tareq al-Mulla said that Cairo is ready to immediately begin deliveries of gas to Lebanon after the completion of the necessary procedures related to its export, the ministry said in a statement.

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Tarek al-Mulla held talks in Cairo on Monday with Lebanese Energy Minister Walid Fayyad.

“Egypt is committed and ready to immediately start pumping natural gas to Lebanon, as soon as the procedures related to the start of export and acceptance of Egyptian gas on Lebanese territory are completed,” al-Mulla said at the meeting.

Egypt, Lebanon and Syria signed agreements in June to secure Egyptian gas supplies to Lebanon to improve the country’s electricity supply.

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Thanks to the signed agreements, Egypt will sell gas, which will then be delivered through a pipeline to Syria and on to the Deir Ammar station in northern Lebanon.

At the end of last year, Hamdi Abdulaziz, a spokesman for the Egyptian Oil Ministry, told RIA Novosti that Egypt was ready to start gas supplies to Lebanon in January-February 2022. The press service of the Egyptian Cabinet informed that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi intends to provide Lebanon with Egyptian gas as soon as possible to solve the problem of power outages.