If already by itself Elden Ring is a very complicated game, you can already imagine what could happen if you decide play it in first person through Virtual Reality glassesand that is why the modder LukeRoss offers us a small preview of what this world looks like seen from VR glasses.

In the past, this modder has already made other VR mods on very popular games such as Grand Theft Auto V, Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077 or Horizon Zero Dawn, and that is why the first contact sample looks so well in this new title, and it is that even it reminds us of a Skyrim with much more advanced graphics.

“The third person in this game is really far away (about 5 meters on average) and that doesn’t work very well in VR,” said LukeRoss, creator of the mod. “Instead of being in the middle of the action, you’re like, ‘Hey, is there something going on out there?’ person. But I think the first-person camera is the best.”

“When rolling or doing other programmed animations, like combat moves, the camera follows the character’s head (so its position changes), but it stays oriented correctly based on what your head is doing in real life. So the horizon will stay level and the world will always look stable.”