Energy consumption in Russia will grow by 2028

MOSCOW, 22 Sep — PRIME. “System Operator” predicts the growth of electricity consumption in the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia in 2028 by 5.8% compared to 2022, follows from the presentation of the head of the operator Fyodor Opadchiy at the “New Russia – New Energy” conference organized by the “Council of Energy Producers” .

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According to the presentation, in 2028 electricity consumption in the UES of Russia will amount to 1.177 trillion kWh against the expected 1.112 trillion kWh. in 2022. “+64 billion kWh, +5.8%,” is indicated on the slide.

In addition, it follows from the presentation that the total installed capacity of power plants in the UES of the Russian Federation by 2028 will increase by 6 GW, to 253 GW. At the same time, the majority – 66% – will be thermal power plants. Hydro- and pumped-storage stations will account for 20%. Nuclear power plants will account for 11% and another 3% will be solar and wind power plants.

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Opadchiy also said that at the moment, electricity consumption in the UES of the Russian Federation is showing an increase of 1.9% by 2021.

According to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, electricity consumption in the country in 2021 increased by 5.4% – up to 1.107 trillion kWh, generation – by more than 6%, up to 1.131 trillion kWh. In 2022, consumption is projected to grow by 2%.