Energy ministers of EU countries did not agree on a price ceiling for Russian gas

BRUSSELS, September 30 — PRIME. The energy ministers of the EU countries did not agree on the introduction of a ceiling on prices for Russian gas from Russia, while not only Budapest, but also other countries were against it, said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.

Media: EU countries are far from consensus on the issue of the price ceiling for Russian gas

“First of all, I must say that the emergency measures proposed by the European Commission, which were discussed today, do not include the introduction of a ceiling on gas. It is very important to confirm that there is no ceiling on gas in the proposals discussed today. This is good news, because the introduction of a ceiling on gas would be categorically harmful in terms of energy supply,” he told Hungarian journalists. Szijjártó’s speech was broadcast on social networks.

The minister said that “several large, strong European countries also clearly expressed the view that proposals that harm the energy security of the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe cannot be divided.”

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“Today, there was no decision on this issue either,” he concluded.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, spoke about the need to introduce a price ceiling for Russian gas. At the end of August, she announced that the European Commission is working on prompt and long-term measures to improve the situation against the backdrop of rising electricity prices in the EU, which mainly depend on the cost of blue fuel. The Council of Energy Ministers of the EU instructed the European Commission to prepare a project for the introduction of a gas price ceiling by October.