Equipment for the construction of the Amur GCC delivered to Russia

BLAGOVESCHENSK, Oct 5 – PRIME. All large-tonnage equipment planned for the current year with a total weight of more than 15.7 thousand tons was delivered for the construction of the Amur Gas Chemical Complex (GCC) in the Amur Region, the press service of the Amur GCC reports.

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“All the equipment for the construction of the Amur GCC planned for 2022 has been delivered to Russia. The transshipment of the last batch of process cargoes was completed on October 2 in the water area of ​​the De-Kastri seaport in the Khabarovsk Territory. In the current navigation, sea vessels delivered to the country 186 units of large-tonnage equipment with a total weight of more than 15 .7 thousand tons,” the message says.

The equipment was reloaded onto barges for further transportation by tugboats along the Far Eastern rivers to a pier near Svobodny. The river stage of cargo delivery for the Mining and Chemical Combine will continue until the end of the navigation period – 11 barge-towing trains with technological cargo, including important and unique equipment, are sent to the construction site. Now, at the construction site of the Amur Mining and Chemical Combine, the foundation is being prepared, and two cranes with a lifting capacity of 320 and 600 tons are being assembled for the installation of incoming equipment, the Mining and Chemical Combine clarifies.

The Amur GCC (JV Sibur and China’s Sinopec) is being built near the city of Svobodny in the Amur Region, close to the technologically connected Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP) of Gazprom. And the ethane fraction and liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHGs) from this GPP should become the raw material for the GCC. The planned production capacity of polyethylene at the Amur GCC is 2.3 million tons per year, polypropylene – 400 thousand tons per year.

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It was assumed that during this navigation, the key equipment of the pyrolysis plant will arrive at the construction site of the Amur GCC – one of the largest pyrogas compressors in the world with a capacity of 93.4 MW, and three high-pressure boilers weighing 400 tons each will be the heaviest load of the current navigation. This equipment is designed to generate steam for technological and auxiliary production needs.

The first batch of large-sized and heavy equipment arrived at the complex under construction in August. 26 items were delivered, including pyrolysis furnace convection modules, as well as capacitive equipment. It is intended for the pyrolysis unit of the Amur Mining and Chemical Combine. With a weight of 100 to 150 tons, each module is about 20 meters long and about 4 meters wide.