Ethereum Classic: the Agharta hardfork activated

In block number 9,573,000, the update Agharta has been activated on the blockchain network Ethereum Classic (ETC). More than 40% of the nodes are currently inactive.

Sunday morning, ETC developers proceeded to the hardfork Agharta. Similar to Atlantis, the update brings more interoperability between blockchains Ethereum Classic and Ethereum.

Several upgrades previously deployed on Ethereum, as Constantinople, have been activated on Ethereum Classic.

"The hardfork apparently went very well with a very high node update rate for Parity and Multi Geth, "said Bob Summerwill, director of ETC Cooperative.

The majority of client nodes Geth Classic, which is no longer supported, have not been upgraded and are now out of consensus.

According to ETCnodes, the network ETC currently has 174 Parity customers, 83 Multi Geth, 15 Get Classic, and 3 Besu.

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While more than 40% of ETC customers are inactive, Summerwill expects more Multi Geth and Besu customers to join the network soon.