Facebook confirms: WhatsApp is working on digital payment services in Indonesia

Facebook confirms WhatsApp is working on digital payment services in Indonesia

According to Reuters, WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, is in talks with various companies from Indonesia. The goal is to process digital payment services in the messaging service.

WhatsApp takes a different approach

Reuters reported that on August 20 they had heard of anonymous sources of this development. According to the article, WhatsApp is currently negotiating with mobile payment provider DANA, fintech startup OVO and Bank Mandiri. Bank Mindri manages a digital portfolio service. WhatsApp also has contact with Go-Jek, an Indonesian unicorn.

Indonesia could become the second country in the world where WhatsApp introduces such services. The company is currently awaiting approval from Indian regulators. India is the largest market for WhatsApp, but e-closure is coming due to regulations regarding the storage of data.

But unlike India, where WhatsApp plans to offer direct peer-to-peer payment services, WhatsApp will serve as a platform for others in Indonesia. Local digital wallet and payment providers can offer their services through WhatsApp. In many countries, foreign companies are not allowed to offer digital wallet services. Reuters speculates that WhatsApp can use the project in Indonesia as a blueprint to evade local regulations elsewhere in the world.

Anonymous sources say that the negotiations between Facebook and Go-Jek, OVO and DANA will be completed in the short term. The expectation is that WhatsApp will not offer these services until 2020. The Facebook subsidiary first wants to await the launch in India.

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Libra and WhatsApp

Should Facebook be able to smooth out all folds and launch Libra, the corresponding wallet Calibra will also be integrated into WhatsApp. However, Calibra will not be available in India or other countries with a ban on cryptocurrency. David Marcus, the creator of Libra, believes that “the Free World” should lead the battle for the most dominant digital currency. He uses the fact that China is almost finished with their own digital currency, as a means to promote Libra.

A striking response: Bitcoin BTC is leading the free world.

Like I said: if we don’t lead (and by “we” I mean the Free World, * not FB *) others will. It wasn’t a figure of speech, an exaggeration, or a spin of the reality we face. It was the truth. https://t.co/AzEbWtWzIj

– David Marcus (@davidmarcus) August 20, 2019