Facebook shows how much time you spent on the portal

Facebook, czas na Facebooku, spędzony czas na Facebooku, licznik czasu Facebook,

Some time ago, Facebook announced that it would introduce a function that counts the time spent on the portal. It will soon be made available to every user.

The function is called “Your Time on Facebook”. It should be available in Settings and Privacy. It allows you to see exactly how much time was spent on the portal, and there will also be a breakdown for the days of each last week. You can also set daily limits that will remind you to stop using Facebook.

We have checked it and so far in our region the option has not yet been made available. The company is slowly implementing this feature and checking for any bugs. You also need to update the applications on your smartphone to be able to access it. I can’t wait for it to be introduced in Poland – I wonder how much I exaggerate with this portal.

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Source: BGR