FANG companies integrate digital currencies into their business

FANG companies integrate digital currencies into their business

The Winklevoss brothers (Cameron, Tyler Winklevoss) believe that, following Facebook, other companies in the FANG group (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) integrate digital currencies into their business.

During the discussion of the announcement of Facebook cryptocurrency on CNBC, the founders of the Gemini exchange noted that the launch of similar tools by other companies from the technology sector is only a matter of time.

“According to our expectations, each company from the FANG group will develop a cryptocurrency project over the next two years,” said Tyler.

The brothers also noted that they support the position of regulators who want to resolve all existing contradictions before giving the green light to such initiatives. Winklevoss expressed their willingness to add Libra to Gemini, if this is a technical and legal opportunity.

“Initially, we need to study the project in detail. If Libra is based on an open protocol, its listing is likely in the future. It’s possible, ”Tyler noted.

In addition, on this Wednesday, the Winklevoss brothers declared that their company could become a member of the Libra association. At the moment, only one cryptocurrency exchange is part of the organization – the American platform Coinbase.