Fidelity FX Super Resolution Goes Open Source, AMD Releases Source Code

Fidelity FX Super Resolution Goes Open Source, AMD Releases Source Code

Fidelity FX Super Resolution Goes Open Source, AMD Releases Source Code

One year after the introduction of the Fidelity FX Super Resolution happened with video cards Radeon from the 6000 seriesknown by the acronym FSR, AMD celebrated the anniversary releasing the source code of FSR 2.0. By making the new API open source, the company led by Lisa Su hopes to extend and simplify the adoption of FSR by developers.

FSR 2.0 introduced thetemporal upscaling which also exploits the previous frames for image processing, unlike its first iteration which used the information of the single frame for rendering (spatial upscaling). Through GPUOpen AMD has released both the API as well as the C ++ and HLSL codes accompanied by comprehensive developer documentation.

Of course, FSR stands as an open alternative to the well-known DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) di NVIDIA, however, presenting some substantial differences. For example, NVIDIA’s use of deep learning required the integration of dedicated processing units onto the video card, Tensor Corefor image upscaling.

On the contrary, FSR does not require any dedicated hardware and, albeit with a limited result compared to that of NVIDIA, manages to offer performance comparable to that of the counterpart. Moreover, AMD’s technique is not limited only to home hardware, but it can also be used on competing GPUs. It will not remain the only technique open to everyone though, since also Intelrecently launched in the discrete GPU sector, has already announced that its upscaling technique, XeSSwill be available to all video card manufacturers.

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Currently, FSR supports libraries DirectX 12 e Vulkan and has a specific plugin for Unreal Engine 4.26/4.27while the one dedicated to the new one will be released shortly Unreal Engine 5. According to the Sunnyvale-based company, developers will employ “three days to four weeks or more“In any case, development teams will be able to decide whether to integrate only version 1.0 or the newer 2.0, as AMD has left both versions available and separate, in order to guarantee maximum freedom of maneuver for developers.

At the moment, titles using AMD’s FSR are 110of which 24 have already introduced version 2.0, making the Fidelity FX Super Resolution AMD’s fastest adopted technology ever.