Filmed villains stealing bitcoin cash machine from mall

Filmed villains stealing bitcoin cash machine from mall

Two thieves are on the run after they have stolen a bitcoin cash machine in a very relaxed way. This happened in a shopping mall in the town of Lynnwood in the United States.

In and out

The two criminals were filmed by security cameras from the mall. You see them walking in with a cart, before the two come out with a large crypto ATM. According to the video footage on Microsoft News, the perpetrators loaded the machine into a removal van and drove away.

It took a week for the security at the mall to notice what had happened. Police Commissioner Jim Nelson says the authorities then contacted Coinme, who manage the cash machine. Coinme confirmed that the machine was stolen and was not taken for maintenance.

The Finnish press Ilta Sanomat reports:

How they removed the machine, how fast it was without causing a breakdown or damage – they knew what they were doing. They have done nothing to draw attention to themselves. In short, they are hiding in full view.

Cash only

Coinme says this is the first time an ATM has been stolen from them. Coinme does not expect the crooks to hack the machine. At most, they steal the cash from the device.