Finnish Fingrid has updated the forecast for the availability of electricity in winter

MOSCOW, 3 Oct — PRIME. Finnish grid company Fingrid has updated its forecast for winter electricity availability, emphasizing the need for further savings measures, the operator said in a statement.

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“Fingrid has updated its assessment of electricity sufficiency for the coming winter: electricity consumption has decreased – savings measures should be continued,” the company stressed.

In September, electricity consumption in Finland decreased by an average of seven percent compared to the previous year, the Finns should be prepared for the possibility of a blackout in the coming winter, once again reminds the operator.

The new estimate for peak electricity consumption this winter is 14,400 MW, down 700 MW from the original estimate, Fingrid said.

It is noted that the Finnish market is energy deficient by about 15-20%. At the moment, the deficit is covered from Sweden. At the same time, it is expected that the commissioning of the third block of the Olkiluoto NPP in December will reduce the deficit by 10-15%.

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Since June, Fingrid has been issuing forecasts for the development of the situation with the electric power industry for the coming winter, considering negative scenarios. For the first time, the operator predicted a negative scenario with rolling blackouts in Finland in the winter until 2:00 on 17 July.