For the sake of coal subsidies, the Poles showed “unhealthy ingenuity”

MOSCOW, August 30 – PRIME. In order to get the so-called coal subsidy, the inhabitants of Poland began to show “unhealthy ingenuity” en masse, writes the author of the Polish edition of Interia.

“The coal subsidy is of great interest among the Poles,” the author noted.

However, from gminas (community in Poland – ed.) there are reports that this assistance from the state on the eve of the heating season was the impetus for unhealthy ingenuity.

In particular, the rule on the payment of a coal subsidy is based not on the formula “3 thousand zlotys (about 39 thousand rubles) for a stove”, but “3 thousand zlotys for each household that uses coal for heating”, which is why communities are fixed ” explosive growth” in the number of “new households”.

The publication cites as an example a situation when three brothers turned to the community, who lived all their lives in the same house, which is heated with the help of one stove. All three brothers applied for the subsidy. “Today they bring us three declarations and count on three coal subsidies of three thousand zlotys each. After all, each of them is a separate household,” the publication quotes an official from the Lodz region.

This is not an exceptional case: such abuses are recorded throughout Poland. “We have examples of married couples living in the same house who remembered that they are not together, live separately and lead separate households,” said Leszek Kulinsky, head of the Pomeranian community Kobylnytsia.

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As Andrzej Gula, president of the Krakow Smog Alert Association, commented on the situation, if the subsidy for the same stove is paid several times, then such abuse will drain the treasury and leave those who really need it without help. “Many single-family houses will receive two or three subsidies, and many will receive none, because the program budget will be exhausted,” the journalist complains.

The country has allocated about 11.5 billion złoty (about $2.5 billion) for the implementation of the coal subsidy. If this amount is depleted, the amount of the following benefits will be cut.

The gminas believe that if you pay several allowances for one stove, then the budget will not be enough.

Recall that in April of this year, Poland completely banned the import of Russian coal. This had a dramatic effect on the availability of raw materials on the domestic market of the Eastern European country and on its price. Former Deputy Prime Minister and ex-Minister of Economy of Poland Janusz Piechocinski said that a “dear winter” awaits the country and not all citizens will be able to afford to heat their homes.

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