France urged to prepare for the worst-case scenario for gas supplies

PARIS, 30 Aug – PRIME. Today, France supplies gas to Germany and even Spain, the country’s energy minister Agnès Pannier-Runachet said on Tuesday.

Media: France prepared to reduce gas supplies by Gazprom

“We must prepare for the worst-case scenario, that is, a complete shutdown of Russian gas supplies… We need to prepare so that we do not face a power outage this winter. Our strategic gas storage facilities are over 90% full of gas… LNG terminals are operating at full capacity. More Moreover, today we are exporting gas to Germany and even to Spain,” the minister said on the radio station France Inter.

According to French media reports, Gazprom has notified France’s Engie that it will cut gas supplies starting August 30 due to disagreements over certain contracts.

The day before, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Born said that French enterprises should reduce energy consumption amid a reduction in gas supplies from Russia, since it is impossible to find a replacement for these supplies in the short term. She also promised that France will fill the gas storage to 100% by the end of the summer.

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French President Emmanuel Macron will hold a meeting of the French Defense and Security Council on Friday, September 2, due to the situation in the energy sector. French media reported that the wholesale price of electricity in France will reach a record high in 2023, exceeding the mark of 1,000 euros per megawatt hour – this is 1000% more than a year earlier.