French modern Caesar howitzers for Ukraine. The delivery is now certain

French modern Caesar howitzers for Ukraine.  The delivery is now certain

A few weeks ago, we learned that French modern Caesar howitzers will have a new version. Today, in turn, we know that some of the old ones to which the state has access will go to Ukraine as support in the fight against the Russians.

Caesar howitzers for Ukraine will certainly strengthen the defenders’ strength, but they will most likely require training

According to the information provided by the President of France and the Ouest-France service, Ukraine is going to have as many as 12 155 mm Caesar self-propelled (wheeled) howitzers. This one uses a modern fire control system to fire even precise ammunition (eg BONUS) at a distance of up to 40 km.

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Most importantly, however, it is compatible with standard NATO ammunition. Thanks to this, over 150,000 155 mm rounds delivered to Ukraine by the USA will be able to hit, among others, to Caesar barrels, allowing them to continue firing at Russian positions from a safe distance.