Gazprom Export named the most difficult month for the European Union

MOSCOW, Sep 27 – PRIME. The most difficult month for the European Union will be January, whether European underground gas storage facilities (UGS) will cope with consumption peaks amid a drop in Russian gas supplies, it is not known, according to Gazprom Export.

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“The Europeans’ last bet was the demand for a forced reduction in gas consumption by 15% compared to its average level over the past five years for the period from August 2022 to the end of March 2023. But will such a decrease be enough to prevent rolling blackouts in the autumn-winter period? The answer to this question will depend on many circumstances, primarily on weather conditions. The most difficult winter month will be January, when consumption peaks steadily exceed 1.8 billion cubic meters per day. prepared by Gazprom Export specialists.

“The capacities of European UGS facilities have historically had the potential to cover these peaks, but will they be able to cope with this task, given the drop in pipeline gas supplies from the Russian Federation due to the fault of the Europeans themselves?”, the experts add.