Gazprom supplies gas through Ukraine to Europe in a confirmed volume

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. Gazprom supplies gas through Ukraine in the volume confirmed by the Ukrainian side through the Sudzha gas measuring station (GIS) – 42.4 million cubic meters as of October 19, the application for the Sokhranovka GIS was rejected, said the official representative of the Russian company Sergey Kupriyanov.

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Gazprom is supplying Russian gas for transit through the territory of Ukraine in the amount confirmed by the Ukrainian side through the GIS Sudzha – 42.4 million cubic meters as of October 19. The application for the GIS “Sokhanovka” was rejected,” he told reporters.

Since May 11, Ukraine has stopped receiving gas for transit through the Sokhranovka GIS, citing the fact that it is under the control of Russian forces (on the territory of the LPR). As a result, there was only one entrance left for gas transit to Europe – GIS “Sudzha”. Gazprom stated that transferring all volumes to Sudzha is technologically impossible, the company fulfills all obligations to European consumers, and transit services are fully paid.

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Since the end of May, deliveries of Russian gas through Ukraine’s gas transmission system to Europe have been at the level of 40-43 million cubic meters per day.