Germany says it was preparing for threats to energy infrastructure

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. The German government has been preparing for many months to counter possible threats to the country’s energy infrastructure and “inconceivable scenarios” in this area, Bloomberg reports, citing German Interior Minister Nancy Feather.

Gas pipeline construction
Russia initiates case of terrorism at Nord Stream

Feather also called for clarification of the “alleged sabotage” at Nord Stream as soon as possible and in a “comprehensive manner.”

“We need to prepare for scenarios that until recently seemed unthinkable… the federal and local security authorities are very vigilant and always act according to the current situation,” the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the agency.

On Monday, incidents occurred simultaneously on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe. According to information from the Danish and Swedish authorities, two gas leaks were discovered at Nord Stream and one at Nord Stream 2 near Bornholm Island. Germany, Denmark and Sweden do not rule out targeted sabotage.