Hacker tried to hack West Virginia blockchain voting system

Hacker tried to hack West Virginia blockchain voting system

An unknown hacker attempted to compromise the blockchain vote deployed by the authorities of the US state of West Virginia.

West Virginia Secretary of Mac Mac Warner said that during the election, an unsuccessful attempt was made to crack a pilot program called Mobile Voting for Military Personnel.

Although details cannot be disclosed since the incident is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Warner stated that “not a single vote has been changed, viewed, or tampered with in any way.”

The mobile application developed by the Voatz blockchain startup is aimed at providing election opportunities to military personnel serving outside the state, as well as their families. The application uses face and fingerprint recognition technology to confirm the identity of the voter and saves the voting data in an unchanged registry.

“The system worked as intended. A hacking attempt was discovered, thwarted at the very beginning and brought to the attention of the authorities, ”said Voatz CEO Nimit Sawhney.

The IP addresses of the hackers were given to the FBI, which will investigate the incident. Last week, CNN news agency reported that addresses may be associated with students studying at the University of Michigan.

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To date, the startup has completed 31 pilot blockchain voting projects, including in Denver
and Utah County this summer. In August, West Virginia was reported to be introducing
Voatz-based blockchain voting in all districts of the region.