Hard winter awaits Poland, Prime Minister says

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. Poland will face a tough winter, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said.

In Poland, they figured out how to save themselves from the energy crisis

According to him, the energy crisis surprised the whole world.

“We will work on appropriate solutions for consumers of electricity. We make sure that during a very difficult winter, I want to emphasize that it will be a difficult winter, we could get through it without getting our feet wet, so that the Poles, who are the most dependent recipients of electricity, heat energy, suffered as little as possible,” he stressed at a meeting of the National Development Council.

Morawiecki added that the Polish government will provide a discount on electricity to those who reduce their consumption by ten percent from October 1.

Earlier, Poland refused to supply Russian coal. In turn, Gazprom on April 27 suspended gas exports by the Polish PGNiG due to non-payment for deliveries under the new scheme in rubles. All this provoked a sharp rise in prices for energy carriers and electricity.

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