Hungary says Europe’s energy policy is headed for collapse

BUDAPEST, Aug 29 – PRIME. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations Péter Szijjarto said Western Europe’s energy policy is heading for collapse “at the speed of an asteroid” because as winter approaches, Europeans will “leave the veil from their eyes” without heating.

The mayor of Montatera in France threatened that the city would stop paying for energy

“All these statements, all these frauds that Western Europe continued on the issue of energy supply, simply do not work at all with the approach of winter … That is, ideological, political, communication statements with effective support in the international media can easily inflate such balloons that curtain reality in front of through the eyes of people. But energy is an area where sooner or later the veil will fall. It is very difficult to explain to someone in winter that he does not freeze, while there is no heating, “Szijjarto said at a meeting with Hungarian ambassadors. The broadcast was on social media.

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He noted that “the pressure on Hungary will only increase in the near future, because all this liberal international dope is approaching a huge collapse, almost at the speed of an asteroid.” “Sooner or later, the veil will fall, the king is naked, heating is either there or not, but it is, if there are energy sources,” Szijjártó added.

According to the minister, “until they learned how to transport gas in backpacks,” energy security in Europe is impossible without Russian sources.

“In the future, we will not allow such an international political decision or pressure on us that would put us in such a situation that we will not be able to supply the country with energy. We are not even ready to discuss any sanctions in the energy sector … And putting it out of brackets – there are a lot of those who are also interested in this, not only we do not want to conduct these negotiations,” Szijjártó said.

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He advised the Hungarian ambassadors to be prepared for the fact that “although Budapest will not be alone in its interests,” from the outside, only Hungary “will again be the one who speaks openly about energy issues.”

“Here in Europe, they are trying to create a communication image that we Hungarians are left alone. On the one hand, this is not the case even in Europe … moreover, outside this European and North American communication bubble, respect for the Hungarian government and its foreign policy is clearly at one of the highest levels of all time,” Szijjártó added.

After the start of a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the West stepped up sanctions pressure on Russia, which led to an increase in electricity, fuel and food prices in Europe and the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously stated that the policy of containing and weakening Russia is a long-term strategy for the West, and sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy. According to him, the main goal of the West is to worsen the lives of millions of people.

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