Huobi released a blockchain smartphone with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet

Huobi released a blockchain smartphone with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet

The Huobi Global cryptocurrency exchange, together with the Whole Network startup, has released the Acute Angle blockchain smartphone with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet.

Acute Angle is already available in the Chinese market at a price of $ 515, which is almost half the price of competitor blockchain smartphones, for example, Sirin Labs Finney, which costs $ 1,000. However, if you buy Acute Angle for Huobi HT tokens, its price will drop by almost twice.

It is reported that in the fourth quarter of this year, the smartphone will appear in the markets of other countries of Southeast Asia. The start date for sales in Europe and the United States is still unknown, but representatives of the exchange said they would try to do this as quickly as possible. Huobi Global CEO Livio Weng emphasized:

“We believe that blockchain smartphones are a promising area for the future development of the industry. We believe that with the development of new technologies, such as 5G, more and more cryptocurrency users will trade and exchange digital assets using mobile devices. ”

Acute Angle supports push notifications of trade transactions, a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet and its own Whole Network token – NODE. Also, as an option to the device, you can buy a cold wallet plugin.

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