If exchange rate Ripple (XRP) at 10 cents is only buy, analyst said

If exchange rate Ripple (XRP) at 10 cents is only buy, analyst said

The price of XRP is at the lowest point in two years. On December 18, 2017 the value was still $ 0.78. Last year on the same day we thought that XRP had reached its low point, you could buy XRP for $ 0.28. For a long time it seemed that 2019 would be a better year for so-called XRP bagholders. But contrary to expectations, XRP has even fallen to $ 0.19 today.

Soil not yet reached

Although, this is not entirely contrary to expectations. Crypto analyst Jacob Canfield predicted this as early as April this year. And he thinks the course can go even further.

Above you can see the exchange rate of XRP in dollars for the past year. Canfield told Twitter on April 21 that XRP can still drop to $ 0.19. and he stayed with this, despite the fact that the course in May and June showed good things. He therefore advised to buy somewhere between 0.19 and 0.21 dollars.

If I was going to load up on $ XRP for long term, I’d be buying at $ .19 -. $ 21.

– Jacob Canfield (@JacobCanfield) April 21, 2019

But even this turned out not to be low enough. He has come back from this and has adjusted his purchase level to $ 0.10.

I cannot tell you how many friends and family members I saved from buying $ XRP in 2018 and 2019.

It has to be in the hundreds.

My answer of when has always been * maybe * $ .10 to $ .15, but even then I would be cautious.

This has to be my proudest achievement of 2019. pic.twitter.com/RJM2osAyJb

– Jacob Canfield (@JacobCanfield) December 17, 2019

Save family and friends

The analyst says traders and curious people are constantly asking him about the third largest cryptocurrency. Freely translated, he says:

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“I can’t tell you how many friends and family members I saved from buying XRP in 2018 and 2019. There must be hundreds. My answer of when to buy is always maybe between 0.10 and 0.15 dollars but even then I would be careful. These are the moments I am most proud of in 2019. “

He then said that he still assumed $ 0.19 in April. Then the rate fluctuated around $ 0.40. Through new insights, including a parabolic, falling trend, he adjusted this amount to $ 0.10.

And bitcoin continues to drop

He also expects the bitcoin rate to go towards $ 5,500 before the way up is found.

What price do you guys have for the bottom on this #bitcoin down trend?

I think we could see $ 5500 personally as it is the 78.6% from the swing low to swing high, but we may see a bounce or two in between here and there. pic.twitter.com/2TSK8XhecH

– Jacob Canfield (@JacobCanfield) December 17, 2019