In the Czech Republic will reduce the time of heating in the parliament building

PRAGUE, 20 you — PRIME. As part of energy savings, heating in the building of the Czech Parliament will last 2 hours less than before, from 7 to 17 hours, and its temperature will be reduced from 23 to 20 degrees, and in the corridors to 15 degrees Celsius, the Prime Minister told reporters on Tuesday Peter Fiala.

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“In connection with the current difficult situation with energy resources, the government has appealed to the population and entrepreneurs to save heat. It is clear that the authorities themselves should lead by example in these measures. We must save both with heating and lighting. About what measures will be taken in government buildings, we will announce the day after tomorrow, but already today I can say what the leadership of the parliament is doing in this regard, in particular, in its premises the heating system will operate 2 hours less than before, from the temperature will be lowered from 23 to 20 degrees, and in the corridors to 15 degrees,” Fiala said.

At the same time, the prime minister, not without humor, suggested that lowering the temperature in the parliament’s premises could cool down the ardor of the most zealous speakers, who sometimes drag out sessions until late at night.

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At the same time, Fiala recalled the decision taken a few days ago by the Cabinet of Ministers as part of the fight against rising energy prices on the maximum prices for gas and electricity for the population, individual entrepreneurs and a number of institutions, in particular schools, as well as the allocation of significant funds to support large firms. and enterprises. This decision has already been approved by both houses of parliament, it is expected that the president of the republic, Milos Zeman, will put his signature under this resolution in the coming days.

After the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, Western countries began to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation, in particular, on Russian energy resources. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the policy of containing and weakening Russia is a long-term strategy for the West, and sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy.

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