In the United States called the scale of the shock of Europe after the stop of the “Nord Stream”

MOSCOW, 11 Sep — PRIME. European countries are experiencing tangible shocks due to the suspension of the Nord Stream pipeline, according to The Wall Street Journal columnist Joe Wallace.

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He stressed that both ordinary residents and the most important industries will suffer from a shortage of natural gas this winter.

“Many are already closing, especially the most energy-intensive industries such as glass and metallurgy,” the journalist recalled.

Moreover, to suffer from this, it is not necessary to directly buy Russian gas, Wallace writes.

“It is enough just to buy gas or electricity on the open market, and then the price of this electricity and natural gas is many, many times higher than before the conflict,” the journalist concluded.

On September 2, G7 finance ministers confirmed a plan to introduce a “price cap” on Russian oil and called on “all countries” to join the initiative. Earlier, European Commissioner for Economics Paolo Gentiloni said that the goal of the European Commission is to implement the limit until December 5, 2022 for crude oil and until February 5, 2023 for petroleum products.

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Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak called this initiative complete absurdity and stressed that Moscow would not supply oil and oil products to those countries that would support it. He added that the introduction of restrictions will destroy the market, while other manufacturers also do not respond positively to such an idea.