India’s second weather-insensitive remote sensing satellite is now in orbit

India's second weather-insensitive remote sensing satellite is now in orbit

On February 14, the Indian space agency launched the Polar Satellite Launch Veicle launch vehicle from the Satish Dhawan space center on Sriharikota Island. The rocket launched into orbit primarily the EOS-04 radar observation satellite (also RISAT 1A), but this weather-insensitive remote sensing satellite from India was also accompanied by two smaller experimental satellites.

EOS-04 is India’s second weather-insensitive remote sensing satellite. This is due to the SAR technology

As part of this mission, India organized the first space flight in almost half a year, which ended with the successful deployment of a charge consisting of three objects in a heliosynchronous orbit (529 km above the Earth). This is a good sign for India’s plan to launch 19 space launches, including eight for satellite placement. Unfortunately, it was questioned when the three-stage GSLV rocket with the EOS-03 satellite was lost in August last year.

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Returning, however, to the most important, the EOS-4 radar observation satellite, weighing almost 1.7 tons, owes its capabilities to the use of SAR technology, i.e. a synthetic aperture radar. This allows, above all, to conduct a satellite view in all weather conditions and time of day and night. All thanks to the use of a radar sensor operating in the C-band. It is not only used in the military, but also strictly scientific and economic, allowing to assess the condition of crops or afforestation, and even land movements.