Innostage will create the first student cybersecurity center in Russia

MOSCOW, 21 Sep — PRIME. At the Kazan Digital Week 2022 conference, the Innostage group, together with technology partners, signed an agreement on the development of Russia’s first interuniversity student provider of cybersecurity services, the press service of the group of companies said.

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“Russia’s first interuniversity student cybersecurity service provider (MSSP SOC) is being created on the basis of a consortium of flagship universities in the Republic of Tatarstan… Interuniversity SOC will protect Russian universities at the federal and regional levels. Students of educational institutions will be responsible for the center’s prompt response to incidents, and teachers will control them activities,” representatives of Innostage told RIA Novosti.

It is specified that participation in the work of the university SOC will allow students to increase their knowledge in the field of functioning of security centers, monitoring and incident response. In addition, they will have the opportunity to work closely with real incidents already during their practice at the university.

According to the CEO of Innostage Group of Companies Aidar Guzairov, more information security specialists are needed to ensure the cyber stability of the state and business. He stressed that at the moment there is an acute shortage of personnel in the market.

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“According to our estimates, the deficit is about 50 thousand people. Closer cooperation with universities can help solve the problem. It is for this purpose that we are creating a security center on the basis of flagship higher educational institutions, to which other universities in the country will subsequently be connected,” — Guzairov noted.

At the first stage, the university SOC will be created on the basis of three universities, including Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan Federal University and Kazan State Power Engineering University. SOC’s technology partners, including Positive Technologies and CyberOK, are responsible for equipping it and providing advanced monitoring and incident response solutions.