Intel has revealed details of the Bonanza Mine for Bitcoin. That’s as much as 300 chips in a 3600-watt system

Intel has revealed details of the Bonanza Mine for Bitcoin.  That's as much as 300 chips in a 3600-watt system

Today we have information for you about the first generation Bonanza Mine for Bitcoin. This is the basis for the latter (BMZ2), which will certainly offer a much higher mining potential, because the BMZ1 is disappointing in this respect compared to the Bitmain or MicroBT offer.

We know the details of Bonanza Mine for Bitcoin 1st generation. We don’t know much about the second (the more important one)

During the ISSCC 2022 conference, Intel shared details about its new Bonanza Mine ASICs for Bitcoin mining. These combine as many as 300 small, energy-saving chips produced in 7 nm technologies with a size of 4.14 x 3.42 mm (a total of 4248 square mm), which allow the company to save at the production stage by increasing the yield and squeezing up to 4,000 chips from a single wafer .

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In practice, each system operates at 355 mV and employs 258 mining engines, which calculate double SHA256 hashes in parallel. It works with a frequency of 1.35 to 1.6 GHz at a temperature of 75 degrees Celsius, consuming an average of 7.5 W per unit and thus reaching up to 137 gigahasha per second. So, finally, the BMZ1 is an excavator with a capacity of 40 THash / s, which consumes 3600 watts, and this …

… Very poor result as you can see above. Especially against the background of Bitmain’s S19j Pro 104T (104 THash / s at 3068 W) or the S19j XP (140 THash / s at 3010 watts). Unfortunately, Intel has not yet disclosed the details of the second-generation chips and systems, but we know that they are derivatives of the BMZ1 ASICs shown below.

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