Investor Tim Draper reiterated that the BTC will reach $ 250,000 by 2022

Investor Tim Draper reiterated that the BTC will reach $ 250,000 by 2022

Investor Tim Draper returns to the media with optimistic predictions about Bitcoin. In an interview with Yahoo Finance, he reiterated the view that BTC will reach $ 250,000 by 2022:

“We will reach 250,000 by 2022 or at the latest in the first quarter of 2023.”

Many analysts have adjusted their positive predictions upward, due to their belief that Bitcoin will grow more than expected because of the US-China trade war and other macroeconomic factors. Draper refused to raise his price target.

He believes that Bitcoin still has a strong use case as a payment mechanism and not just a value deposit. This is exactly why Grit BXNG has asked BTC to accept BTC payments, as the company will be able to bypass expensive payment processing fees associated with credit card payments.

Implementation of payments in Bitcoin

Grit BXNG is a fitness room for the box office Draper recently invested in. He said it would be the first room to accept payment in Bitcoin in the United States.

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The gym also pays the instructors an amazing salary of $ 1,000 per hour. The company pays this rate to acquire the best trainers in the world. Co-founder Tony Robbins explained:

“The instructors are in great search. Without a great coach you have nothing. We are willing to pay such salaries because we refer to talent. If we hire the best talents, people will come back. “

Draper said:

“I’m the first customer to have paid in Bitcoin and, by the way, I’m a little reluctant to do it because I know what value this cryptocurrency has.”

Investor Tim Draper also referred to Facebook’s cryptocurrency Libra during the interview. He suggested that Bitcoin will remain in a different category of competitors due to its decentralization:

“Bitcoin has strengthened more than I thought. I thought there would be a lot more competitors right now that are really relevant, but people have focused on Bitcon, because it’s decentralized. The Facebook project is viewed with suspicion and meets a lot of resistance because it is a centralized currency. “